
We can hide behind our words….
the words are not there….
it is too difficult to talk….

Movement is our common ground
of communication.

What is MPS?

Movement Psychotherapy is the use of
natural movement that helps us to express how we think, feel, behave and how we relate with others.

We all have thoughts in our mind however we can often forget about our bodies and the emotions they can hold.

We believe that movement reflects a person’s personality and gives further insight into how that person may be feeling.

Appropriate working with the body can have an effect on mental and emotional states, as well as on the body itself.

What does MPS do?

When providing therapeutic interventions to children and young people with autism, we need
to work creatively.

When verbal communication is limited or nonexistent, we cannot expect any person to use verbal communication when it is not their predominant form
of expression.

Our body and mind are intrinsically linked therefore, when thinking about clinical treatment, it is crucial that both the body and mind (soma and psyche) are involved in the therapeutic process. Working with a person’s individual movement profile (a bit like body language), it can help create psychological and psychophysical shifts. Working with a person’s individual movement profile (a bit like body language), it can help create psychological and psychophysical shifts.

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